Senior Photography Sessions


Senior Studio

In studio · 60 min · full online gallery

For the senior who wants classic portraits, high fashion images, and stunning beauty shots.  We use studio lighting and backdrops to make you look your absolute best.  With intricate posing and attention to detail, we create flawless imagery.  Both parents and children alike will be thrilled to share their images with friends and family.  Starting at $250.

Senior Location 

on location · up to 90 min · full online gallery

For the senior on the go, who would rather be out and about than in the studio.  On location of your choice, we create unique images, focusing on individual style and interests.  We love to get creative by incorporating a few of your favorite things.  Choose your favorite place, your favorite outfits, and bring props to showcase your favorite activities.  This shoot is all about personality, and we know you'll love the result.  Starting at $350.

Senior Exclusive

In studio & location · up to 4 hours · Full online gallery

Our elite package for those who want it all.  We include both a studio session, as well as a session at the location of your choice.  You get the best of both worlds, with classic studio portraits, as well as environmental portraits.  With time for styling and wardrobe changes, you can change up your look in addition to the location.  This shoot is the ultimate representation of you, creating a portfolio of images that express your beauty, style, and individuality.  Starting at $600.